
Fire and Blood (Bellator’s Story)

A flicker of torchlight spread across the floor of the cold cell, almost reaching the small form that huddled in the shadowy corner. All that could be seen was the edge of a tattered cloak partially blanketing a pair of small, dirty feet. Footsteps echoed in the foul-smelling air, which – upon first breathing in,… Continue reading Fire and Blood (Bellator’s Story)


Meet Bellator (Ally of Broken Arrow)

Bellator is a skilled warrior and assassin in the employ of the sorcerer Zeldek, who she serves as general of his elite guard. She enjoys fighting, terrorizing her master's servants, and flying with her great black dragon, Fyra. Bellator takes pride in being undefeated, as no one has ever bested her in combat for many… Continue reading Meet Bellator (Ally of Broken Arrow)


Into the Veil of Shadow — Annalyn’s Story

The tavern was a buzz of excitement as the midday rush neared its close, but Annalyn’s thoughts were elsewhere as she stared out through the open window. Beyond the docks, the waters of the lake shone in the sunlight, and the forest on the outskirts of town whispered her name. She stood, transfixed, only coming… Continue reading Into the Veil of Shadow — Annalyn’s Story


Sample Copy of Broken Arrow

Yesterday was one of the most exciting days of my life, because for the first time, I was able to hold years of my blood, sweat, and tears in my hands. In book form! An author's dream! 463 pages long, Broken Arrow is everything I was hoping for! It is so good to see everything… Continue reading Sample Copy of Broken Arrow


Sneak Peak! Broken Arrow, Page 59

I recently discovered this thing called the 'Page Challenge', where I select a random page number from my novel and post the contents of that page to see the impact that a single page can make on a potential reader. I have added my own personal touch to the challenge in the form of an… Continue reading Sneak Peak! Broken Arrow, Page 59