
Sneak Peak! Broken Arrow, Page 59

I recently discovered this thing called the 'Page Challenge', where I select a random page number from my novel and post the contents of that page to see the impact that a single page can make on a potential reader. I have added my own personal touch to the challenge in the form of an… Continue reading Sneak Peak! Broken Arrow, Page 59


The Three Elements of Story

There are many different components that make up a story, and all of these can be divided into three basic categories; plot, setting, and character. I will talk about each of these at length in the future. Right now, my purpose is to define each element for you and begin to break them down to… Continue reading The Three Elements of Story


The Adventure Begins!

Greetings, weary traveller! Step in. Let me take your coat. Warm yourself by the fire. Please, stay while I tell you my story... that is why you are here, is it not? My writing journey began on a day like every other. I remember being eleven years old, standing in a doorway in my nightgown… Continue reading The Adventure Begins!